You have successfully launched a SEA campaign via Google AdWords, but how can you best judge whether they are successful? The most important thing is to set up a good analysis in which the right data is looked at. The interface of Google AdWords is full of many metrics that can be looked at and this makes it difficult to look at the right one. We will discuss some important data that you can use when analyzing a campaign so that you can then optimize.
Always try to compare dates of a certain period with similar days, weeks, or months. This allows you to see if the results that have been achieved deviate from the pattern that has occurred before. Are the results better or worse? Then look for the real cause of this
Below we go deeper into the matter per metric
Click through rate is an important metric that should always be looked at, because it indicates how often your ad is clicked after showing. If your CTR has dropped, it may be due to the quality of your ad. We recommend that you always have several live ads per adgroup so that you can test them against each other. Keep track of which ad text performs best and create new variants. It could also be that your CTR has dropped as a result of a lower position created by increased competition or lower CPCs.
Ultimately you pay a cost per click via Google AdWords and this differs per auction. You need to consider what you can pay per click to keep your Google AdWords account profitable. That is why we recommend testing with different bids in combination with your positions. It is then essential to analyze the results on the basis of this.
Ultimately you pay a cost per click via Google AdWords and this differs per auction. You need to consider what you can pay per click to keep your Google AdWords account profitable. That is why we recommend testing with different bids in combination with your positions. It is then essential to analyze the results on the basis of this.
Every keyword has a certain quality score that is given by Google. This is determined by several factors such as:
• The relevance of the keyword to the ad. This checks how relevant your keyword is to the ad.
• The expected click-through rate (CTR) for the keyword. The expected CTR is partly determined by the keyword’s previous CTR and partly by the number of times the keyword led to the click on the ad.
• The quality of the landing pages your ads lead to
Always try to optimize these top three factors and try to achieve at least a quality score of 7/10 so that you will not experience any negative effects on your CPC.
Average postion
Conversion ratio
Conversion rate is one of the most important elements to look at during an analysis, because it shows which keywords convert well and badly. Also take a good look at the other elements described above, because if you have a good quality score, position and CTR, it may be the landing page. Is the current landing page the most relevant or can you direct the traffic to another page that may be more appropriate. Like SEA, SEO is a crucial part of your marketing mix. In this article you can read how to perform an SEO analysis.